
Phototherapy Deux!

Welcome to being parents of two! Emma has strep throat and is staying with Grandma and Grandpa.
Two kids.... two experiences with positive coombs due to ABO incompatibility. Keri's and my blood types don't mix well and both our kids have my blood type. Emma spent significant time in the hospital due to high bilirubin counts and so the doctors have been very proactive with Drew. He has been under the lights for the past couple of days and we are seeing positive results -- thankfully, his counts have been stable. We are glad they are being proactive, but look forward to going home with our little guy!
Chillin in the bili shades!

The isolette keeps him warm and toasty under the phototherapy lights. He has been very content the past couple of days.

"Brew" has reached rock star status.... at least in his big sister's eyes!
(for those curious -- this was before the strep diagnosis...)
Lolly and Papa with their second grandchild


MH said...

...so glad everyone is on the offensive with Drew and that his bilirubin counts are stable. That is great news. I hope Emmma gets to feeling better soon.

Let us know if you need anything.

The Frenchs said...

I'm praying for you guys, miles away! Congratulations, again! Blessings over your family and precious little Emma!

LindaB said...

I love the smiles on their faces! Praying that God continues to Bless you and yours!