
a cheerful heart is good medicine....

what a woman!

Happy birthday babe!
"Many women do noble things, but you surpase them all. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Prov. 31:29-30


the tandem!

Tandeming with dad!
She definitely has the best seat in the house!

Just Chillin'

Oh, the joys of parenthood and summer!

The Firecracker Fast 5K 2010

Gary, Kelli, Keri and Cindy before the 5K on the 3rd of July. This was Cindy's first 5k. The crew all did a fantastic job. I had dad duty. We ate breakfast, watched dogs and cheered on the runners as they approached the end of the race!
Kelli brought her friends Htoo and Thay from OKC with her for the weekend. It was their first time to run a 5k and they did a fantastic job!


Birthday Time!

For the big 1st birthday, Keri decorated cupcakes for the farm theme. They turned out great! It was a fantastic day in which we were able to praise God for the many blessings during the first year of our daughter's life.

Steven's personal favorite!

She did not like all the attention. She does LOVE cupcakes.....just not when an onslaught of people are watching!

She was very thankful for a great celebration!